
    2024-09-20 14:24

    殘值 ( salvage value.residual value or scrap value)是指在一項資產使用期滿時預計能夠回收到的殘餘價值,也就是在固定資產使用期滿報廢時處置資產所能收取的價款。. 如果一項資產預期期滿後能交換一項新資產,那么其殘值就等於預期交換來的資產的價值。.


    How To Record Disposal of Assets in 5 Steps (With Examples)

    2. Record the sale amount of the asset. If you sold your asset, record the gain or loss from the sale. If you threw away or donated the asset, you can record this, too. Record deprecation and cash received as asset debit. The original cost, along with any gains made from the sale, counts as asset credit.

    How To Record Disposal of Assets in 5 Steps (With Examples)

    2. Record the sale amount of the asset. If you sold your asset, record the gain or loss from the sale. If you threw away or donated the asset, you can record this, too. Record deprecation and cash received as asset debit. The original cost, along with any gains made from the sale, counts as asset credit.